Here is a sample of my sermons from the last few years. (I'll change them out occasionally.) To hear the most recent sermons, please visit the "Sermons (Audio)" page on the website of the United Church of Christ in Bayberry. You can also watch videos of recent sermons on the "Sermons (Video)" page. Both pages are found at the "Worship" tab.
The Old and the New(Mark 2:18-22; 2oth anniversary sermon, 1/25/15)
Spiritual Rebirth(John 2:23-3:8, 3/16/14)
Sent Into Exile(Jeremiah 29:1, 4-14, 10/13/13)
Two Kinds of Righteousness(Job 23:1-7; Mark 10:17-26, 10/14/12)
The Trouble with Ambition(Mark 9:33-37, 9/23/12)
We did not convert to digital recording until the summer of 2012. So I apologize for the quality of these older analogue recordings. In fact, you may hear a pause in the middle of a recording, representing when the cassette tape had to be removed and turned over!
Taking Off the Masks(Matthew 23:1-7, 23-28, 10/30/11)
Temple or Tabernacle?(2 Samuel 7:1-14; Ephesians 2:19-22, 7/22/12)
The following is actually not a full-length recording. It is the better part of the sermon I delivered on the occasion of our church's 50th anniversary on April 3, 2011. To be honest, it was a rather long sermon. The cassette recording missed part of the sermon, and I excerpted out the section where I listed several specific ways that we could increase our presence in the digital community. Some of these proposals have become reality and we are still exploring others.
Structure and Seeds(John 4:32-35, Ephesians 2:19-22, 4/3/11)